Price Chopper Supermarkets Recalls Central Market Classic Cinnamon Coffee Cake Purchased At Mountain Road Store In Worcester, MA

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Recall -- Firm Press Release


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Price Chopper Supermarkets Recalls Central Market Classic Cinnamon Coffee Cake Purchased At Mountain Road Store In Worcester, MA


1-800-666-7667, option 3

Mona Golub

Jon Pierce, APR
jon@albanypr.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 21, 2012 - (Schenectady, N.Y.) --Price Chopper Supermarkets is issuing a voluntary recall on certain Cinnamon Nut Coffee Cakes purchased only at the Mountain Rd. store in Worcester, MA, because they were incorrectly labeled as Pumpkin Coffee Cakes and therefore did not list tree nuts as an ingredient. The cakes were purchased at the Mountain Road store only (located at 72 Pullman St. in Worcester), were purchased after October 11, 2012 and would have an expiration date between October 17 and October 25.

Other than this labeling issue, the product is safe for consumption for those not allergic to nuts.

In addition to alerting the media, Price Chopper has initiated its Smart. Reply notification program, which uses purchase data and consumer phone numbers on file in connection with the company's AdvantEdge (loyalty) card to alert those households that may have purchased the product in question.


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